Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mundane Cyborg two

OK so I'm about to go running with my dog...something I love doing and which involves no apparent mundane cyborg technologies.

Except when I take my cell phone. And text. Or take photos of my dog on the bridge at the end of the Meder Circle Loop trail, or the last light of sunset high up in the eucalyptus trees. Or run with the video camera and sing.

But there is a moment when I think of my running shoes...killer Nike Wooz with lime green soles and silver reflective moments, that literally bounce my heel off of the trail. That prosthetic foot that is designed to make the "real" foot safer, stronger, and the real ankle and knee get knocked around less (good news for them since I've been using them pretty consistently and abusing them regularly since around 1960).

And then the run happens and the body begins to do its thing (send signals to the brain about the status of lungs knees ankles hammys etc) and the trail winds through lush vegetation and birds sing and somewhere a coyote is lurking wondering if this little dog is lunch or not...

and high above it all the power lines poke out over that hill, and the sewer line announces itself as a big concrete stump, and the houses gaze down from their perches above the arroyo, little boxes full of machines plugged into a network that brings water and electricity and that takes away waste.

The world is a cyborg, and even if there were no humans and no technologies, evolution's mad scientist ability to create multiple and complex ecologies would count as an example of the organic mixing with the systemic/cybernetic.

OK off to run!


  1. Soon I will have a bionic knee. If I spent $6 million will I be stronger, faster and better?

  2. Reading up on nanomedicine - who sez we need to think godzilla and gargantuan.

    More food for thought.....

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