Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dog Park: Candace

I was walking back from the dog park when Candace walked by trailing dogs like the pied piper of the canine set. She has a very cool cowboy hat, shades, and she is a total Jedi when it comes to the dogs around her.

They know - almost every one and I'd place bets on it - that she makes contact with each of them, and that they make contact with her. Dogs have their name said by her, treats given by her, wisdom and advice dispensed by her...

I wish you could have seen it dear Reader. Across a neatly cropped suburban park at the edge of Santa Cruz, in a lake of June sunlight (the same sunlight that falls on San Francisco and Point Reyes and on a good day on Monterey for that full Steinbeck look...).

She was striding with these great gorgeous Irish wolfhound dogs this furry round poodle-something my dog the black terrier/Chinese crested. Maybe. My 12 pound running partner and cross between a skunk and a prospector.

Right exactly out of a fair tale.

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