Sunday, February 20, 2011

Reading Gibson on Cyborgs Part 1

As some of you know I've been writing about the Mundane Cyborg (well duh that is the name of the blog!). As such I'm always searching for writers and thinkers who understand our current state of affairs as cyborgian, even if few of us have neural jacks or knives that emerge from our fingers (as cyborgs in Neuromancer do). So it was with great delight that I discovered Gibson's 2002 talk on cyborgs at the Vancouver Art Gallery. The show was titled The Uncanny: Experiments in Cyborg Culture, and my good friend Chris Gray was there. He hear Gibson's talk and enjoyed it mightily, despite the fact that he is an erstwhile academic and Gibson characterized the show's theme as ""the cyborg" as academics understand "the cyborg", and not just a cyborg, or cyborgs, as you or I might understand cyborg(s) [so] I took it upon myself to lower the tone of the proceedings with the following.

The talk is in fact a very witty argument for the mundane cyborg. Well, sort of. It is more an argument for what Chris and I want to call the meta cyborg. I will elaborate this argument in a next blog.

The article is called IN THE VISEGRIPS OF DR. SATAN (WITH VANNEVAR BUSH) and can be found at:


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