Sunday, February 27, 2011

A very quick Haraway blog:

1. In the series Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, Togusa talks with a forensic specialist called Haraway. I'm not sure Donna would subscribe to what "Haraway" is saying, though I think she'd appreciate the philosophical tone and length of reasoning here (the character talks for almost two minutes straight about robots, gender, artificial life). And I'm pretty sure Donna would be surprised to find that "she" smokes!

Here is the link from Ghost in the Shell:

As an aside, my mix played Return to Innocence as I typed about the Ghost in the Shell program. I love the serendipity of databases.

2. There are several "mashups" of Donna's manifesto on YouTube and elsewhere. According to Wikipedia, "Digital mashups represent a new phase in the re-use of existing works not so much conceptually as in ease of use. The creation of digital media formats such as ASCII text, Redbook audio, JPEG images and MPEG video has made it far easier for potential mashup creators to create derivative works than was the case in the past, when significant technical equipment and knowledge was required to manipulate analog content."

While there are all sorts of issues with mashups, including Jarod Lanier using them as examples of why the net is counter-creative, I am imagining them as a cyborg writing. So much of what we write owes much of its life to what has been read or written before, and not by us; in addition, the cyborg manifesto is not simply collaged, but integrated into popular culture products, making the pop product deeper and the potentially complex ideas in the Manifesto more accessible. My favorite mashup is one that overlays the manifesto with clips from Ghost in the Shell. Here are links:

Other interesting reworkings of Haraway can be found here:

and here is one in Spanish that is fascinating

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